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- Han, Y., Hamon, F., & Durlofsky, L. (2025). Accelerated training of deep learning surrogate models for surface displacement and flow, with application to MCMC-based history matching of CO2 storage operations. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 246, 213589.
- Hennessy, E., Singh, M., & Azevedo, I. (2024). Pathways to zero emissions in California’s heavy-duty transportation sector. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability , 4.
- Tang, H., & Durlofsky, L. (2024). Graph network surrogate model for subsurface flow optimization. Journal of Computational Physics.
- Okoroafor, R., Nazari, N., Kim, T., Watkins, H., Saltzer, S., & Kovscek, A. . (2024). Assessment of hydrogen storage potential in depleted gas fields and power-to-hydrogen conversion: A northern California case study. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (71), 982-998.
- Watson, M., Nourollah, H., Bason, D., Higgs, S., Benson, S. ., Cook, P., Park, Y.-C., & Allison, M. . (2024). Optimising CO2 storage resource utilisation: insights from the Otway Stage 4 field program. Australian Energy Producers Journal, 64, 54-56.
- Callas, C., Davis, J., Saltzer, S., Hashemi, S., Wen, G., Gold, P., Zoback, M., Benson, S. ., & Kovscek, A. (2024). Criteria and workflow for selecting saline formations for carbon storage. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 135.
- Han, Y., Hamon, F., Jiang, S., & Durlofsky, L. (2024). Surrogate model for geological CO2 storage and its use in hierarchical MCMC history matching. Advances in Water Resources, 187.
- Jiang, S., & Durlofsky, L. (2024). History matching for geological carbon storage using data-space inversion with spatio-temporal data parameterization. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 134.
- Jiang, S., & Durlofsky, L. (2024). History matching for geological carbon storage using data-space inversion with spatio-temporal data parameterization. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 134.
- Han, Y., Hamon, F., Jiang, S., & Durlofsky, L. (2024). Surrogate model for geological CO2 storage and its use in hiearchical MCMC history matching. Advances in Water Resources, 187.
- Okoroafor, E., Bracci, J., Boness, N. ., Saltzer, S., Shrimali, G., Hennessy, E., Kim, T. W., Seaman, D. A., Benson, S., Zoback, M., & Kovscek, A. (2024). A Methodology for Fueling Mobility Markets with Hydrogen from Natural Gas plus Carbon Capture and Sequestration. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 133, 1750-5836.
- Kovscek, A., Nordbotten, J., & Ferno, M. (2024). Scaling Up FluidFlower Results for Carbon Dioxide Storage in Geological Media. 151, 975-1002.
- Aljawad, M., Kim, T., Shafloot, T., & Kovscek, A. (2024). In-situ study of CO2-saturated brine reactive transport in carbonates considering the efficiency of wormhole propagation. Advances in Water Resources, 192, 104792.
- Shafloot, T. ., Kohli, A., Kim, T., & Kovscek, A. . (2023). Impact of supercritical carbon dioxide on the frictional strength of and the transport through thin cracks in shale. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
- Kovscek, A., Nordbotten, J., & Ferno, M. (2023). Scaling Up FluidFlower Results for Carbon Dioxide Storage in Geological Media. Transport in Porous Media.
- Murugesu, M., Vega, B., Kurotori, T., Druhan, J., & Kovscek, A. (2023). Coupled Transport, Reactivity, and Mechanics in Fractured Shale Caprocks. Water Resources Research, 60(1).
- Kohli, A., Li, Y., Kim, T. W., & Kovscek, A. . (2023). Induced Seismicity Hazard Assessment for a Potential CO2 Storage Site in the Southern San Joaquin Basin, CA. GeoHazards, 4(4), 421-436. geohazards4040024
- Zou, A., & Durlofsky, L. . (2023). Integrated Framework for Constrained Optimization of Horizontal/Deviated Well Placement and Control for Geological CO2 Storage. Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, 28(5), 2462-2481.
- Lyu, Y., Elkady, Y., Kovscek, A., & Jessen, K. (2023). Analysis of gas storage and transport in Eagle Ford shale using pressure pulse decay measurements with He, Kr and CO2. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 228, 211951.
- Callas, C., Kovscek, A. ., & Benson, S. . (2023). Assessing the impact of dip angle on carbon storage in saline reservoirs to aid site selection. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 129.