Conference Papers
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- Kohli, A., Kim, T., Li, Y., & Kovscek, A. (2024). 3-D Leakage and Seismic Hazard Assessment for a Potential CO2 Storage Site in the Southern San Joaquin Basin, California. Society of Petroleum Engineers .
- Zhou, J., & Kovscek, A. (2024). Hydrogen Storage in Saline Aquifers - Experimental Observations of Viscous-Dominated Flow. Society of Petroleum Engineers .
- Hashemi, S. ., & Kovscek, A. . (2024). Numerical Simulation of CO2 Storage in the Soft Sediments of Depleted Reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
- Li, Y., Dodds, N., Leezenberg, P., & Kovscek, A. (2024). Spatial Monitoring of Geological Carbon Storage Progress Using Time-Lapse Satellite Images. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
- Neutel, J., Berson, A. ., Saltzer, S., Orr, F., Brandt, A. ., & Benson, S. (2024). What will it take to get to Net-Zero Emissions in California?. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
- Hennessy, E., Singh, M., Saltzer, S., & Azevedo, I. (2024). Pathways to zero emissions in California’s heavyduty transportation sector. Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain., 4.
- Nordbotten, J. ., Ferno, M. ., Flemisch, B., Kovscek, A., & Lie, K.-A. (2023). The 11th Society of Petroleum Engineers Comparative Solution Project: Problem Definition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
- Zou, A., & Durlofsky, L. (2023). Integrated Framework for Optimization of Horizontal/Deviated Well Placement and Control for Geological CO2 Storage . SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, 2023, SPE-212228.
- Okoroafor, E., Kim, T., Nazari, N., Watkins, H., Saltzer, S., & Kovscek, A. (2022). Assessing the Underground Hydrogen Storage Potential of Depleted Gas Fields in Northern California. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2022, SPE-209987.
- Hashemi, S., Kovscek, A., & Zoback, M. (2022). Effect of Supercritical CO2 on the Poroelastic Characteristics of Poorly Cemented Sandstone Reservoirs During Depletion and Injection. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2022, SPE-210228.
- Hydrogen Derived from Natural Gas with Carbon, Capture and Storage. (2022). Hydrogen Derived From Natural Gas with Carbon, Capture and Storage, 2022.
- Crain, D., Saltzer, S., Benson, S., & Durlofsky, L. (2022). An Integrated Framework for Optimal Monitoring and History Matching in CO2 Storage Projects. ECMOR 2022, 2022, 1-15.
- Kim, T. W., Yaw, S., & Kovscek, A. (2022). Evaluation of Geological Carbon Storage Opportunities in California and a Deep Look in the Vicinity of Kern County. SPE Western Regional Meeting, SPE-209340.
- Murugesu, M., Anderson, T., Dal Santo, N., Krishnan, V., & Kovscek, A. (2021). Enhancing Laboratory-scale Flow Imaging of Fractured Geological Media with Deep Learning Super Resolution (Proposals Track). ICML 2021 Workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning.
- Anderson, T., Guan, K., Vega, B., Froute, L., & Kovscek, A. (2021). Improving Image-Based Characterization of Porous Media with Deep Generative Models (Papers Track). ICML 2021 Workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning.
- Soulaine, C., & Tchelepi, H. (2016). Micro-continuum Formulation for Modelling Dissolution in Natural Porous Media. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, cp-494.
- Mishra, S., Ganesh, P., Schuetter, J., He, J., Jin, Z., & Durlofsky, L. (2015). Developing and Validating Simplified Predictive Models for CO2 Geologic Sequestration. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, SPE-175097.
- Huo, D., Li, B., & Benson, S. (2014). Investigating Aperture-Based Stress-Dependent Permeability and Capillary Pressure in Rock Fractures. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, SPE-170819.
- Al Ismail, M., Reece, J., Hol, S., & Zoback, M. (2014). The Effect of CO2 Adsorption on Permeability Anisotropy in the Eagle Ford Shale. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 2879.
- Farghal, N., & Zoback, M. (2014). Utilizing Ant-tracking to Identify Slowly Slipping Faults in the Barnett Shale. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 2879.