Conference Papers
Conference Papers
Conference Papers
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Conference papers presented at/published for a scientific conference.
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Results for: Conference Papers
- Kohli, Arjun, Taewook Kim, Yunan Li, and Anthony Kovscek. “3-D Leakage and Seismic Hazard Assessment for a Potential CO2 Storage Site in the Southern San Joaquin Basin, California”, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
- Zhou, Jimin, and Anthony Kovscek. “Hydrogen Storage in Saline Aquifers - Experimental Observations of Viscous-Dominated Flow”, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
- Hashemi, Sam, and Anthony Kovscek. “Numerical Simulation of CO2 Storage in the Soft Sediments of Depleted Reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico”, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
- Li, Yunan, Nick Dodds, Pieter Leezenberg, and Anthony Kovscek. “Spatial Monitoring of Geological Carbon Storage Progress Using Time-Lapse Satellite Images”, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
- Neutel, Joshua, Andrew Berson, Sarah Saltzer, Franklin Orr, Adam Brandt, and Sally Benson. “What Will It Take to Get to Net-Zero Emissions in California?”, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
- Hennessy, Eleanor, Madalsa Singh, Sarah Saltzer, and Ines Azevedo. “Pathways to Zero Emissions in California’s Heavyduty Transportation Sector”, Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain., 4 (2024).
- Nordbotten, Jan, Martin Ferno, Bernd Flemisch, Anthony Kovscek, and Knut-Andreas Lie. “The 11th Society of Petroleum Engineers Comparative Solution Project: Problem Definition”. Society of Petroleum Engineers, October 17, 2023.
- Zou, Amy, and Louis Durlofsky. “Integrated Framework for Optimization of Horizontal Deviated Well Placement and Control for Geological CO2 Storage ”, SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, 2023 (March 29, 2023): SPE-228.
- Okoroafor, Esuru, Tae Kim, Negar Nazari, Hannah Watkins, Sarah Saltzer, and Anthony Kovscek. “Assessing the Underground Hydrogen Storage Potential of Depleted Gas Fields in Northern California”, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2022 (September 26, 2022): SPE-987.
- Hashemi, Sam, Anthony Kovscek, and Mark Zoback. “Effect of Supercritical CO2 on the Poroelastic Characteristics of Poorly Cemented Sandstone Reservoirs During Depletion and Injection”, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2022 (September 26, 2022): SPE-228.
- “Hydrogen Derived from Natural Gas With Carbon, Capture and Storage”, Hydrogen Derived From Natural Gas with Carbon, Capture and Storage, 2022 (September 20, 2022).
- Crain, D., S. Saltzer, S. Benson, and L. Durlofsky. “An Integrated Framework for Optimal Monitoring and History Matching in CO2 Storage Projects”, ECMOR 2022, 2022 (September 2022): 1-15.
- Kim, Tae Wook, Sean Yaw, and Anthony Kovscek. “Evaluation of Geological Carbon Storage Opportunities in California and a Deep Look in the Vicinity of Kern County”, SPE Western Regional Meeting, SPE-340.
- Murugesu, Manju, Timothy Anderson, Niccolo Dal Santo, Vignesh Krishnan, and Anthony Kovscek. “Enhancing Laboratory-Scale Flow Imaging of Fractured Geological Media With Deep Learning Super Resolution (Proposals Track)”, ICML 2021 Workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning.
- Anderson, Timothy, Kelly Guan, Bolivia Vega, Laura Froute, and Anthony Kovscek. “Improving Image-Based Characterization of Porous Media With Deep Generative Models (Papers Track)”, ICML 2021 Workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning.
- Soulaine, CS, and H. Tchelepi. “Micro-Continuum Formulation for Modelling Dissolution in Natural Porous Media”, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, cp-494.
- Mishra, Srikanta, Priya Ganesh, Jaredq Schuetter, Jincong He, Zhaoyang Jin, and Louis Durlofsky. “Developing and Validating Simplified Predictive Models for CO2 Geologic Sequestration”, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, SPE-97.
- Huo, Da, Boxiao Li, and Sally Benson. “Investigating Aperture-Based Stress-Dependent Permeability and Capillary Pressure in Rock Fractures”, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, SPE-819.
- Al Ismail, M., J. Reece, S. Hol, and M. Zoback. “The Effect of CO2 Adsorption on Permeability Anisotropy in the Eagle Ford Shale”, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 2879.
- Farghal, N., and M. Zoback. “Utilizing Ant-Tracking to Identify Slowly Slipping Faults in the Barnett Shale”, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 2879.