Nov 20: MMV Workshop - Towards Affordable and Effective MMV for Geologic Storage of Captured CO2
Main content start
Wednesday, November 20th
Time: 8:30 AM - 5:15 PM PT
- Breakfast: 8:30 AM PT
- Meeting: 9:00 AM PT
- Meeting End: 5:15 PM PT
Location: Tresidder Oak Room (2nd Floor)
498 Santa Teresa St, Stanford, CA 94305
Focus: Innovation, best practices and policy implications for Monitoring, Measurement and Verification (MMV) of geologically sequestered CO2.
- Share broad overview of MMV techniques, goals, regulatory requirements, and case studies
- Dialogue between researchers and industry participants
- Explore gaps that could improve outcomes
- Discuss public acceptance, costs for MMV programs
- Understand how MMV can be used to gain public support for ongoing projects
The goal of this workshop is to be intentional. The agenda is designed to identify needs to help focus research in MMV and to help make the case for sensible risk-informed and cost-informed monitoring of CCS projects.
Agenda Speaker | Panelist | Moderator Bios Presentation Slides
Organizing Committee: Sarah Saltzer (Stanford University), Sally Benson (Stanford University), Biondo Biondi (Stanford University), Matthias Imhof (ExxonMobil).